Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The pH of an Animals Blood is Critical!

The pH of an animals (especially a race horse) blood is critical!

If you are looking for the reason why there is a sudden, and apparently inexplicable, drop in a horse's racetrack performance ... then continue to read!!!

The one single factor which causes a horse to "train off" faster than any other is a disturbance in its blood pH balance. Almost impossible to detect, especially in its early stages, this pH disturbance can be attributed to an excessive build-up of acids in the horse's system, a depletion of its natural alkaline reserves, injudicious training techniques; and other closely associated factors such as high grain diets, the prevailing climate and workload.

A drop in the pH indicates an increase in the acidity of the blood. In lay terms, this is referred to as "acidosis", but more correctly it is the LOWERING OF THE ALKALINE RESERVES.
The blood of the equine athlete has a very delicate acid/alkali balance. Optimum performance demands that this balance be maintained within very narrow, even critical, limits.


THE pH OF A SOLUTION is a symbol for the power of the hydrogen ions multiplied by 10.
AN ACID is a solution which provides hydrogen ions (H +) and can thus increase the H + of a solution, consequently lowering the pH - i.e. increase the activity.

A BASE is a substance which accepts hydrogen ions and can thus decrease the H + of a solution, consequently raising the pH - i.e. decreasing the acidity or raising the alkalinity.

THE pH OF THE BLOOD has to be maintained within extremely narrow ranges for optimum physiological functions. Wide variations, which are encountered in certain diseased states, are life-threatening.

ACIDOSIS is a loose term which is applied to a LOWERED ALKALINE RESERVE in the body. From the point of view of a horse in training, as opposed to the many pathological conditions that can result in acidosis, a

LOWERED ALKALINE RESERVE is the direct result of strenuous muscular exercise.

LACTIC ACID is an organic acid normally present in muscle tissue, produced by anaerobic (in the presence of inadequate oxygen) muscle metabolism; it consists of 2 parts positive hydrogen ion and a negative lactate ion. It is formed when the glycogen stored in the muscles is broken down and used for energy.

Study of 1,379 horses

Analysis of 1,379 racehorse bloods confirms need for an alkaline reserve replacer.A unique and exhaustive study on the precise effects of work and climate on the body chemistry of a racehorse in training was conducted by RANVET in 1986 at Sydney's Randwick Racecourse.

A total of 1,379 horses were involved in the study, one of the most comprehensive ever undertaken in Australia. A normal pH level was determined; the dramatic drop in base excess levels which were observed established the need for an alkaline reserve replacer, and recovery rates were monitored.

This study was undertaken by one of Australia's most eminent racehorse veterinarians who continued working on the project up until the beginning of 1992.

A summary of his findings is set out in the tables below.

Blood Gas Analyses of Horses in Training.

Summer and Winter

Table ONE: Fast Work - SUMMER

Time Blood
Samples Collected were for the following
1) pH
2) HCO3
3) Base Excess
4) H2 /HCO*3 Ratio

Saddled before work
7.406 pH
29.91 HCO3
6.09 Base Excess
1/18.81 H2/HCO3 Ratio

10 minutes after work
7.230 pH
14.23 HCO3-
10.75 Base Excess
1/12.71 H2/HCO3 Ratio

2 1/2 hours after work
7.395 pH
28.49 HCO3
4.06 Base Excess
1/16.96 H2/HCO3 Ratio

5 hours after work
7.395 pH
27.00 HCO3
4.45 Base Excess
1/17.25 H2/HCO3 Ratio

7 hours after work
7.350 pH
26.02 HCO3
3.58 Base Excess
1/15.16 H2/HCO3 Ratio

*The normal ratio = approximately 1/20

NB: Summer heat and humidity tends to reduce this ratio i.e. a tendency towards acidosis.

Table TWO: Fast Work - WINTER

Time Blood

Samples Collected
Base Excess
H2 /HCO*3 Ratio

Saddled before work

7.44 pH
32.55 HCO3
8.23 Base Excess
1/21.27 H2/HCO3 Ratio

10 minutes after work
7.237 pH
13.85 HCO3-
11.24 Base Excess
1/14.58 H2/HCO3 Ratio

2 hours after work
7.430 pH
29.93 HCO3
5.90 Base Excess
1/20.50 H2/HCO3 Ratio

3 1/2-4 hours after work
7.431 pH
29.24 HCO3
5.97 Base Excess
1/20.45 H2/HCO3

Ratio 5 hours after work
7.438 pH
29.57 HCO3
6.80 Base Excess
1/19.77 H2/HCO3 Ratio

6 hours after work
7.437 pH
30.48 HCO3
1/20.32 Base Excess

NB: Recovery times quicker in winter.

What is a normal pH for a Horse?

The normal pH of a horse's blood is between 7.42 and 7.45, so you can see just how narrow the range is... "point 03 " of a decimal point in fact! Any reading below 7.40 is an indication of "acidosis" (see Table ONE), while a reading of 7.20 would indicate severe "acidosis" (a severely depleted alkaline reserve).

An explanation of what goes on.

Regardless of whether it is summer or winter, the end result of (a) converting grain to energy and (b) hard work and stress, is an abnormally high production of BODY ACIDS in the horse's system.
Highly strung horses produce even greater amounts of body acids, as they expend more energy than the placid animal.

Lactic acid accumulates in the muscle when the supply of oxygen is insufficient for the oxidative processes and quickly diffuses out into the blood stream. In moderate exercise the rate of rise of lactic acid is greatest at the very start of exercise before the circulatory and respiratory systems have reached optimum output. This diminishes as a steady state develops.

The unfit horse and the horse coming into work fresh, or for the first time, produces greater quantities of lactic acid for a given workload. As the horse becomes fitter, his ability to buffer and cope with the acid produced improves quite considerably. Fillies also seem to be more prone to this condition than colts or geldings. The reasons for this are presumably hormonal, but as yet are not clearly understood.
In strenuous exercise, due to the relative deficiency of oxygen, the excessive accumulation of lactate ions represents a considerable acidosis with a marked lowering of bicarbonate concentration.

The body cannot stand acidosis for long and it has a very effective built-in system to counter it. Following exercise some lactic acid and acidic glucose builds up in the bloodstream creating even more acidity and the increased need for alkaline buffers.

The other compensating mechanisms are (1) increased respiration which lowers the carbon dioxide tension (pCO) and (2) increased excretion of hydrogen ions via the kidneys.

In exercise, a much greater quantity of lactic acid escapes in the urine. Such a process helps to minimize the production of acidosis, but it also represents a loss of base as well as energy producing substances.
Quite simply, buffers and buffer systems "mop up" the excess acid, neutralizing it, but this is done at a cost and particularly where very considerable amounts of lactic acid are produced, the buffer system can be overtaxed, i.e. the cost is too high. A major part of the buffer system is sodium bicarbonate, which combines with acid and carries it away. It can be seen that bicarbonate therefore is used up as that acid is neutralized and removed; that is the price, a loss of bicarbonate.

It should be pointed out that adding the right kind of supplementary alkaline elemental buffers can be good for the horse. This is why I created pHorse Power(TM) - an alkaline supplement containing the four bicarbonate salts of sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium and an array of green vegetables and fruits. Recommended dosage is 30g per day to your horse's feed or water to maintain an alkaline balance and a healthy and strong horse.

pHorse Power(TM) will help to strengthen the horses alkaline buffering system and to allow them to better cope with the surges of lactic acid after races and workouts. This strengthening of the buffering system can easily be done by adding pHorse Power(TM) to the water or feed on a daily basis.

pHorse Power(TM) is a bicarbonate-based green vegetables and fruits buffering system which is highly effective in countering states of acidosis in animals.

The retail cost of pHorse Power is: $89.00 for 453 grams or 1 lb.

To order go to:

pHorse Power(TM) can also be used for all other animals including cats and dogs to bolster their alkaline buffering system. Put 1 scoop or 3 grams in your animals food or water.

In summary:

The horses bicarbonate supply is used up and the body's natural buffer systems are stretched to their utmost in the racehorse in work. Acidosis may be more correctly called depleted base (alkaline) reserve. The bicarbonate and other buffer systems have a reduced ability to neutralize the acids - remember that bases (alkaline) are required to balance acids.

Remember that acidosis may not be the classical "tying-up" so familiar to most trainers; rather it may show up as a poor finish, the horse going sour, or the loss of the will to win is an indication of latent tissue acidosis.

Daily supplementation with pHorse Power(TM) will bolster your horses body buffering system, allowing it to cope more successfully with "acidosis" by adding to the alkaline reserve.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

The pH Miracle for Cancer - The Formula for Preventing or Reversing Cancer

During Week 4 of our Thursday night teleseminar on the pH Miracle for Cancer we answered several questions on THE FORMULA FOR PREVENTING AND REVERSING CANCER.

The following is an overview of those questons and answers.

1) Is there an inexpensive way to prevent or reverse cancerous tissue?

I truly believe that the cure for cancer is found in its prevention not in its treatment. It has been said that an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. An inexpensive way to prevent and/or reverse cancerous tissue is to maintain the alkaline design of the human body through lifestyle and diet.

This lifestyle and diet is outlined in Chapter 11 of the pH Miracle for Weight Loss or should we say the pH Miracle for Cancer. Go to:

When you understand that there is only one sickness and one dis-ease caused by the over-acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an acidic lifestyle and diet -- then you can understand why there is only one treatment. And that treatment is to alkalize and energize the body with the right alkaline lifestyle, foods and drinks.

If you have the conviction and will make a commit to change I believe you can have a confirmation or a pH Miracle.

2) If I have cancerous tissues do I have to have radiation, chemotherapy or surgery?

Now that you understand that cancer is not a cell(s) but an acidic liquid that spoils cells it doesn't make alot of sense to radiate or chemically destroy cancerous cells with more poison. Logic should tell you that radiation or acidic chemical therapies may only make things worse or more acidic spoiling even more cells. But there are situations where the tissue has become so cancerous or acidic that it needs to be cut out so it doesn't spoil more of the healthy tissue(s). This is when surgery can save lives and should only be used as a last resort.

Cancerous tissue is not something you get -- it is something you do as a consequence of daily choice of what you eat, what you drink, what you THINK, and how you live. You either have an alkaline lifestyle and diet and enjoy a fit and healthy body, or you have an acidic lifestyle and diet and experience or will experience the aches, pains and suffering from metabolic acids -- your own toxic waste products that is absorbed into your tissues.

This is your life and it is your free choice -- choose wisely.

May I suggest once again that prevention is the key to a healthy and fit body.

3) What are some of the latest natural ways to prevent or reverse cancerous tissues?

Here are a few of my recommendations which should be reviewed and approved by your medical doctor before implementing:

a) There are several powerful natural antioxidants or antiacids that can be used in buffering the acids associated with cancerous tissues. They are as follows:

Acetyl-L-Carnitine – 200 mgs. 6x a dayNicotinamide (B-3) – 25 mgs. 6x a dayCojugated unsaturated fats - 1000 mgs 6x to 9x a dayCo-enyzme Q-1 and Q-10 – 800 mgs. dailyN-acetyl-cysteine – 500 mgs 6x to 9x a dayGSH or glutathione sulfhydryl – 500 mgs 6x to 9x a daySodium and Postasium bicarbonate - 1000 mgs in 3 to 4 ounces of water 6x a daySodium Chlorite - 10 grams a day. For more information go to:

b) Dry heat infared sauna is a wonderful way to activate the lymphatic system and remove acidic wastes through the pores of the skin. I would suggest that a thirty minute dry heat sauna everyday can be helpful in removing acids through perspiration preventing the build up of acids that can lead to cancerous tissue. For more information go to:

c) The lymphatic system is the vaccum cleaning of acids in the tissues. This is why I recommend a 2 hour lymphatic massage to help remove acidic cancerous acids out of the tissues and back into general circulation to be eliminated through urination.

d) Hydration is one of the most important keys to alkalinity and preventing or reversing cancerous tissue. I have suggested for years that one should be drinking at least 1 quart per 30 pounds of weight. The water should have a pH of at least 9.5 and an ORP of -250 mV. For more information go to:

e) Make sure you are drinking your greens. Build up to it gradually if necessary.Drink at least 1 liter of green drink at least 30 minutes before exercising.

f) Exercise more often or for longer periods of time. Do 30 minutes instead of 15, or do your 15-minute routine twice a day. In general, more often is better than longer. If you can’t exercise, you can still sweat: take a 30 minute infrared dry heat sauna at 140 degrees F. Be sure to hydrate yourself with green drink. This kind of sauna is the best passive exercise you can get. It will increase blood circulation, begin the movement of lymphatic fluids, and increase your hearth rate as if you were moving. And you will sweat! For more information go to:

g) Dry brush your skin daily to open pores. You can do this in the shower after a workout.

h) Take an Epsom salts or pHlavor bath to open the pores and draw out acidic toxins. For more information go to:

4) What is the formula for preventing and/or reversing cancerous tissue?

Here is the secret formula -- and please do not keep it a secret any longer! Pass it on to your friends and loved ones.

I call this formula the five (5) "B's":

A healthy BASE diet and lifestyle = healthy BOWELS = healthy BLOOD = healthy BRAIN = healthy BODY.

A healthy BASE dietgives rise to healthy BOWELS.Healthy BOWELS creates healthy BLOOD.Healthy BLOOD creates a healthy BRAINand a healthy BRAIN creates a healthy BODY.

Beginning this Thursday night, November 9th and 16th, at 6:30 pm Dr. Robert and Shelley Young will continue the discussion on pH Miracle Living and how to prevent or reverse sickness and dis-ease (Flus and colds) during the Holidays. This teleconference call is interactive and will include an internet based power-point presentation. For more information on how to sign up go to:

Once again in closing, I would like to share with you my vision of medicine in the 21st century.

My vision of the relative purpose of medicine is to include prevention of illness and promotion of health and fitness rather than focusing all our attention on the diagnosis and treatment of disease. I believe the ultimate purpose of medicine is to help people discover something fundamental within themselves. And that is the awareness that the true source of well-being, joy, and contentment that we all seek lies within one's mind and heart - the emotions and the spirit - not in the physical world. This is important so we can all begin to be freed from the process of grasping for happiness in this physical world. To support this approach, I believe we must begin to embrace a more spiritual vision of ourselves and of humanity as a whole. While providing great love, care and attention to the physical body, medicine can then, and only then help people discover the nonphysical, spiritual dimensions of themselves. When this happens, we can all live and work with less fear and stress, grasping to preserve the physical body at all costs - we can truly be free.

For more information on pH Miracle Living visit our website at: or read The pH Miracle Book or visit our blog at: