Friday, November 30, 2007

Do-It-Yourself Emergency Alkaline Repair Kit for the Holidays

Let's face it. In spite of everything I've taught you, and everything you have learned about the "The New Biology" and The Alkalarian Lifestyle and Diet, many of you "cheated" BIG-Time for Thanksgiving (and will again for Christmas or Hanukkah). You ate the traditional poisonous, acidic, Holiday dinner of turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes, sugary pumpkin pie, and maybe even a glass or two of wine, and (gasp) a cup or two of eggnog! It's worse even than those college-years, "Night On The Town" binges. BUT, here it is a few "days after". You are remorseful, but still in deep acidic do-do. What can be done?

Well... first of all, quit mentally beating yourself up. You probably messed up. Pick yourself up, and start again. Just like they say in AA ("One Day At A Time").

If you fell off-the-wagon, and ate the traditional, poisonous, acidic Holiday meal, it is CRITICAL to get the acidic damage repaired as quickly as possible. Get into your alkaline supplies and put together what I call the pH Miracle, DO-IT-YOURSELF, Emergency Repair Kit. You MUST begin again to re-alkalize as quickly as possible. Every day counts.

First, dissolve 1 tbs. of pHour Salts in 6 oz. of purified filtered, low ORP, 9.5 alkaline water, and drink it down.

Second, mix 4 tbs. of pure liquid Chlorophyll into 4 oz. of Filtered, low ORP, 9.5 alkaline pH water, and send it down the hatch with the pHour Salts.

Third, start spraying pHour salts in your mouth at least every hour.

Fourth, take 5 minutes. and BREATHE.... Pranayama Breathing Exercises. Get outside in the fresh air, if possible, and take deep, measured breaths. Lift your arms and breathe deeply. Hold each breath for 10 seconds and exhale. Do this deliberately, precisely for 5 minutes, several time during the day.

We aren't through yet.

Fifth, make up a Liter of Green Water (1 Tbs. of Doc Broc Power Plants or Super Greens to 1 Liter of purified, filtered, low ORP, 9.5 alkaline pH water) with 15 drops of Prime pH and 5 drops of puripHy and send it after the pHour Salts and chlorophyll. Drink it down, remembering to breathe!

Sixth. Keep your "repair diet" STRICTLY 100% alkaline, and GREEEN! No cheating! You're in trouble already. Let's get the damage repaired as quickly as possible! No recriminations. No "beating yourself up". You messed up. You will again. You are human, and the Holidays are literally MINE FIELDS of temptation. Do your best to resist, and stay alkaline over the Holidays. It's a good teaching opportunity with your non-alkaline friends. They will learn by your behavior, if you eat and drink correctly. But... if you slip and give in to the temptations of cookies and cake (it's like verbal abuse for me to even say it), CORRECT IT... as soon as possible.

Seventh, and lastly, throughout your "emergency recovery day" DRINK lots of filtered, low ORP, high alkaline water...with a pH of 9.5 or better. Drink 1 Liter of alkaline water with greens for each 30 Lbs. of body weight! It's your lifeline to repair the acidic damage being done every minute to your body from the dietary abuse you self-inflicted.

It will take at least 24 to 72 hours of diligent repair, following the steps I have outlined, before your body will begin to recover from a single day of Holiday, poisonous acidic eating. IF you had any significant quantity of wine or alcohol, it may take even longer - several more days - for your body to recover. Each day of "emergency repair" should be thought of as a day in the Emergency Room or a day you will not need to spend in the Emergency Room. Count your blessings.

Lastly... the most important advice I can give you.... DON'T DO IT AGAIN! The poisonous, acidic food and drink traditions of the Holidays will quite LITERALLY KILL YOU! You can't recover from that, even with a pH Miracle, Emergency Repair kit!

Remember, all of this acidic food and drink you ingested, if it doesn't kill you it will cause your body to go into preservation mode. In preservation mode the body will induce a fever to activate the lymphatic system and cause the elimination of acids through the pores of the skin and other body openings. Traditional medical savants call this the "Flu." But do not believe it or be deceived! You only have the symptoms of "I Ate Too Much Acidic Sh!! Disease." There is no "FLU" virus and NO NEED for an acidic vaccine. . which by the way can kill or seriously injure you. The "FLU" is NOTHING MORE than the body trying to remove excess acids from your over-indulgence of acidic Holiday foods and drinks. So, start the "Do-IT-Yourself Emergency Alkaline Repair" NOW.

You can order the "Do-It-Yourself Emergency Alkaline Repair Kit" by going to:

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Five Acidic Fatigue Factors That Lead To Stage 1 Acidosis

If you’re getting six to eight hours of sleep at night and you still have to drag yourself through eight seemingly endless hours of work during the day, it’s time for a fatigue check-up. Here are five acidic fatigue factors you might want to consider:

Acidic Fatigue Factor #1: Acid Blood or Anemia or I Eat Too Much Sugar and Animal Protein Dis-Ease.

You may be bleeding internally and not know it – bleeding ulcers, for instance, may be slowly dragging you down. Kidney dis-ease can also be the result of acidic blood or anemia. In women, acid caused fibroid tumors or acid uterine polyps can be the culprit. Blood loss can lead to a deficiency of hemoglobin, the alkalizing protein in the blood that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. The end result when your organs and tissues don’t get enough alkalizing oxygen is fatigue. Other tell-tale acidic symptoms are irritability, dizziness, and feeling cold. A simple live blood test can show acidic blood anemia, and fatigue or Stage 1 acidosis begins to diminish after only a month of alkalizing and energizing with the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet.

Acidic Fatigue Factor #2: Hypothyroidism or I Eat Too Much Crap Dis-ese.

If you are depressed, sluggish, and generally run-down, you may have an under-active acidic thyroid due to an acidic lifestyle and diet. The thyroid is a tiny gland with a big job; it sits at the base of your neck and regulates the speed at which your whole body operates and manages its alkaline design and acidic functions. While hypothyroidism affects both men and women, by age sixty, 17 percent of all women will have a thyroid disorder and not know it, according to the American Thyroid Foundation. A live and dried blood test can show it, and an alkaline lifestyle and diet can chase fatigue and an under-active acidic thyroid away.

Fatigue Factor #3: Caffeine Acid Overload or I Drink Too Much Acid Dis-Ease.

The hard core acid caffeine is everywhere these days, from fancy coffee drinks to so-called “energy” drinks. Too much of a acid thing, though, can drag you down instead of giving you a boost. “In some patients, continued abuse results in fatigue,” says W. Stephen Pray, PhD, RPh. Cut out all acidic caffeine that is causing your fatigue, and keep in mind that caffeine is found in other highly acidic foods such as chocolate, black tea, green tea, energy drinks, and also in many medications.

Fatigue Factor #4: Food Allergies or I Eat and Drink Acid Dis-Ease,

Acidic food allergies or intolerances can cause acidic symptoms from headaches to hives, but the first symptom is often drowsiness or fatigue within ten to thirty minutes of digesting the acidic food or drink. Common offenders are milk, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, shellfish, and all forms of sugar. If you suspect an acidic food or drink intolerance, try an “acid elimination diet” that cuts out all acidic foods and drinks for a week or so. You will find that you will no longer have food allergies. Continued digesting of an acidic food or drink your body can’t tolerate can lead not only to chronic fatigue but other health problems as well.

Fatigue Factor #5: Sleep Apnea or I Am Full of Acid Dis-Ease.

You may only think you’re getting six to eight hours of sleep. You may actually stop breathing many times during the night, which awakens you just long enough to disturb your sleep, usually without your being aware of it. If you sleep alone, your only clue that you may have sleep apnea is chronic acid fatigue. If you share a bed with someone, snoring is also an acidic symptom. (They’ll let you know!) A sleep clinic can diagnose sleep apnea, and an alkaline lifestyle and diet can often get you back on the road to restful nights. If you don't stop the acid lifestyle and diet, an increased risk of stroke or heart attack is down the road instead of an alkaline peaceful sleep.

All five factors are symptoms of the first stage of latent tissue acidosis - enervation - and can easily be resolved with an alkaline lifestyle and diet.

To learn more about an alkaline lifestyle and diet go to: and/or read The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for Diabetes and The pH Miracle for Weight Loss by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Fraud of Breast Cancer Research

This week, the online life sciences magazine The Scientist published an article whose implications for breast cancer research are profound and even unscientific.

Tumor cell lines - living cells taken from tumors and cultured in the laboratory - are the mainstay of cancer research at the most fundamental level, and are used as the model for studying tumor behavior and response to treatment. For the past 25 years, most of the laboratory research into metastatic breast cancer has been based on a single breast tumor cell line known as MDA-MB-435. At least 650 papers have been published on studies involving this cell line. Yet it has been revealed that this supposed breast
cancer cell line may in fact not be composed of breast cancer cells at all.

Instead, it appears that the cells are derived from melanoma. For 25 years, therefore, breast cancer research using this cell line - and it is one of the most widely used - has been based on an incorrect model.

Melanoma-derived tumor cells are not biologically equivalent to breast cancer cells; they have different molecular and genetic characteristics.

Cell lines - even when correctly sourced and identified - are an
intrinsically flawed model, and in the past I have often cautioned against the tendency to read too much into the results of cancer research done on tumor cell lines. The inferential leap from Petri dish to living human cancer patient is simply too large: an enormous number of drugs and experimental techniques show significant activity in cultured cancer cell lines, only to exhibit no benefit whatever when given to human subjects in a
clinical setting. Furthermore, cell lines can degenerate over time, becoming genetically unstable. But these are relatively small concerns compared to the discovery that MDA-MB-435, the cornerstone of breast cancer research, is not breast cancer at all.

We are constantly being reminded that this is the era of evidence-based medicine. But if the very cell lines which have provided the foundation for breast cancer research for the past quarter century have now been conclusively shown to be melanoma cells, not breast cancer, how solid or trustworthy is the evidence on which current breast cancer treatment is based? Evidence built on such flawed foundations more closely resembles
hearsay than science.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, "general cancer research, including breast cancer research has been focused on the wrong thing - the tumor and the cells that make tumors. This type of research is equivalent to the study of a bruise on an apple that has dropped from the tree rather then studying the cause of why the apple fell from the tree and how to prevent it from happening again. Cancer, including breast cancer is not a disease of the cell but an acidic disease of the body fluids. Cancer is an acidic liquid created from an acidic lifestyle and diet. Cancer researchers need to stop studying the effect that leads to cancerous cells and start studying the causes of a cancerous condition - such as what one is eating, drinking and thinking that is then leading to all cancerous conditions, including breast cancer."


A Case of Mistaken Identity by Megan Scudellari. The Scientist, September 16th 2008 (registration required)

Sick and Tired by Dr. Robert O. Young
pH Miracle by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young

Confirmation Code: GHVCFDD5486122

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Preventing and Reversing Type I and Type II Diabetes

The following is an unsolicited pH Miracle Living
Testimony for Type I diabetes:

"I have been a brittle diabetic for over 20 years
meaning my blood sugar readings could go from 50
to 700 anytime. I am on an insulin pump and was
taking from 40 to 75 units of insulin a day. I
have been a vegetarian for over 32 years. Dr. Young
inspired me to cut out cheese, bread, rice, potatoes
while eating only alkaline foods and water. My 14
day avg readings was over 200 forever. On the 3rd
day on the alkaline diet my avg was down to 165 &
3 weeks into the diet I was down to an incredible 107.
My doctors are in shock. My slightly high blood
pressure has come down and I have not gone off of
this incredible pH Miracle diet once. I am now
strictly vegan and eat 2 to 3 avocados per day. I
can only thank the Youngs for changing my life &
hope to someday visit their retreat. I now use less
than 20 units of insulin per day & achieve greater

Alan Ettenberg

To learn more about preventing and reversing Type I
and Type II diabetes read The pH Miracle by
Dr. Robert and Shelley Young.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Spark of Life - The Negative Charged Ion

Every breath we take, every move we make...
so goes the song.

Yet every move we make does depend on every
breath we take and every drink (or meal) we take,
because our movement is fueled by electrical energy
that we store in the body. We receive our energy
from the triune sources of air, food and water.

Electrical energy doesn't just 'drop' out of the
air, food or water that we ingest. In its usual
form it is not chemically available. It can't
always be called upon to support every move we
make because it is not always ready for chemical

For any chemical reaction to occur there needs
to be two molecules involved, and each of these
molecules must have something to 'trade', in the
form of compatible atoms that are either positively
or negatively charged.

Positively charged molecules (and the atoms within
them) will easily and naturally unite with negatively
charged molecules of equivalent and compatible

Put simply, all of your body functions rely on the
electrical energy released from the unity of the
'charge' of the molecules in it and the opposite
'charge' in food water or air that enters it.

So what is an ion?

An ion is any atom that has a positive or a
negative charge. A positively charged ion will
seek a negatively charged one to unite with,
have a glorious 'coupling' and then turn into
something totally new and available.

So why do we rave on so much about negative ions?

Because the result of every move you move (a net
spending of electrical energy) is a positively
charged body. The molecules in your body are
left holding a positive charge. They are unavailable
for future 'couplings' unless we get a new batch of
attractive and giving negative ions in quickly.

As we hear so often these days, things ain't what
they used to be. The air is different. Putting it
very frankly and unscientifically, it's full of
crud or acid. Positively charged crud or acid .
Nothing ever 'goes away' on our little green planet
and every exhaust, every chimney plume, every
release of gas, stays within our thin and fragile

It stays in the air we gulp as we run along the
beach, it stays in the water we drink, and it stays
in the food we eat. And all of it this acidic pollution
is useless for energy production within the body.

The air we breath in our garden, only 500 meters
from the beach, contains only around 150 negative
ions/cc/sec. but it also contains around 700
positive ions. This means that even as we lay on the
beach doing absolutely nothing, our bodies are
getting short-shifted by 2000 (required) plus 700
positive less 150 negative ions = 2550 ions/cc/second.

Because the environment can no longer supply our
basics , our bodies have to negatively ionize the
air, water and food that enters our bodies just to
get bare minimum ionization needs, and lying there
in the sun, they are working non-stop just to supply
enough available electrical energy for us to get up
off the sand and walk to the car!

Did we always have to do this?


We have managed to take our beautiful planet from
a garden paradise to technoaicidtrash in less than
a century, and we have done one 'good' job.

Where once clear air and spring or glacial water
gave us all the negative ions we needed, today the
same basics actually rob our bodies of energy.

Like the idea of drinking pure alkaline rainwater?

Don't .

It robs you of electrons. It is also acidic, having
combined with CO 2 and pollutants as it falls from
the clouds, and so it only contributes to the
acidic state of your body.

Want to go to the beach and reinvigorate on pure
ocean air?

That air just blew all the way from a Brazilian
chemical factory and now it's your turn to breath
it in.

So we are suffocating in our air, drying up in
our water, and toxifying as we eat our clean
supermarket food.

In a radical state, radical action is required -
and we are indeed in a radical state of personal
bodily survival. We have lost the negative ions,
the life electrical energy we need to even breathe

It's not hard to understand how we age the way
we do. Suddenly we are old and we wonder how it
happened. Yet it's been happening for years
because every day our wonderful, amazing bodies
have been slugging it out and losing the battle
to keep aging at bay by maintaining its alkaline

Instead of performing daily housekeeping functions,
it is flat out ionizing water food and air to make
it energetically available for energy storage.

The Chinese adepts well knew the power of this
ionization process. They call the energy in the
body chi, and they say it comes from the air,
from water and from food.

In his book The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity,
author and longevity expert Daniel Reid says,
'Since there exists no equivalent term in
English for 'Chi' or 'Prana', we shall refer to
it as 'bionic' or 'bioelectric' energy.

This combines the idea of living energy uniquely
associated with living organisms (bio-) with that
of electricity (-electric) and negatively
charged ions (-ionic)..'

In 1838, deHufeland wrote in The Art of Prolonging
the Life of Man,' A careful study of the phenomena
of the vital force in the organized world leads us
to recognize in it the following properties ands
laws: the vital force is the most subtle, most
penetrating, most invisible agent we have known
until now in nature; in this respect it surpasses
even light, electricity and magnetism, with which
in other respects it seems to have the greatest

We find a striking analogy between the vital force
and magnetism. The life force can exist in a free
and latent state, and in this respect has a close
analogy to heat and electricity.'

More recently, French Scientist Dr J. Belot said,
'When we consider organic life in the light of
biophysics, we find that electrical phenomena are
at the root of all cellular life and we conclude
that the end of everything is an electrical charge.'

In March 1968, 36 years ago, Le Monde reported
that the presence of negative ions or ionization
facilitates oxygen absorption, aids elimination
of CO2 in the alveoli of the lungs, yet positive
ions have precisely the opposite effect. Gases,
dust, chemical fumes, all enter the body as
positive ions, trapping the tiny negative ions in
their large absorbent form, rendering your air
technically 'dead'.

When we read the work of Dr Otto Warburg, Nobel
Scientist, we begin to understand the absolute
importance not only of oxygen, sodium, hydrogen
and nitrogen, but the utter importance for our
longevity of their entry into the body in
negatively charged form.

We also begin to see the extent of the effect
of common-use substances. A plastic seat will
accelerate mental fatigue, as will plastic wall
coverings. Objects covered in polyethylene produce
fields of between 5 and 10,000 volts/meter.

In a space enclosed by polyethylene the rate can
skyrocket to 100,000 volts/meter . Certain
synthetic clothes are strong enough to set up
a field that repels all negative ions in your
immediate vicinity! Go stand on a mountain; it
won't help much if you're wearing your favorite
synthetic ski jacket!

Without adequate negative ions, we are literally
working ourselves to death and we don't even realize
it. Yet the technology now exists to replace
the body's load, to support the alkaline design of
the body, the white blood cells, and to promote not
just a long life, but a strong, vital electron
rich life.

With pH Miracle Water Ionization (ionized water),
you are now able to derive huge quantities of
negatively charged ions as Hydroxyl ions in
a microclustered form that will flow between cell
walls and react with acidic wastes that are causing
energy loss, lethargy and a predisposition to
almost every major illness; all in water direct from
your tap or in a glass bottle.

With the ionization of air you will receive ionized
nitrogen and oxygen that gives itself away immediately
to facilitate energy conversion and storage. The ionized
nitrogen acts on your cellular communication system
and dilates the blood vessels to maintain not only a
strong nutrient transport system, but an efficient
messaging service, allowing your body to reinstate
real communication. You begin to know your own body

The cost, when we look realistically at a future
that statistically means ill health, cancer, heart
disease and bodily degeneration, is incredibly small.
Like the tiny negatively charged atom, this technology
is easy to dismiss, but deceptively powerful.

The technology is here and now with
pH Miracle Water.

To learn more about how to make pH Miracle Water
go to: or

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Vitamin C - Helpful or Harmful?

I have been know to call vitamin C the urine acid of citrus fruits. Vitamin C is an acid known as ascorbic acid that when mixed into foods and supplements must be chemically transformed into esters to be consumable. Vitamin C is destroyed by exposure to oxygen, metals, light and heat...therefore one can surely imagine what happens to it when it is processed.

Vitamin C is believed to be an antioxidant because oxidants (acids) that are in the body will oxidize (take electrons from) ascorbate first before affecting the body's proteins and lipids. This leaves oxidized forms of ascorbate. Oxidized ascorbate is believed to be relatively stable and unreactive and is believed notto cause cellular damage.

I have disagreed for years and believe that over time a cumulative affect of taking in vitamin C, especially in unnatural and processed forms, is harmful just like taking too many enzymes (acids) too often and thereby tenderizing yourself. The name 'ascorbic' comes from its supposed property of preventing and curing scurvy. The scientific name of vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is derived from the Latin name of scurvy, scorbutus. Scurvy leads to the formation of liver spots on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from all mucous membranes. The spots are most abundant on the thighs and legs, and a person with the ailment looks pale, feels depressed, and is partially immobilized.

Yet, these are all symptoms of overacidity. In advanced scurvy, there are open, suppurating wounds and loss of teeth. Scurvy was at one time common among sailors, pirates, and others who were on ships that were out to sea longer than perishable fruits and vegetables could be stored and by soldiers who were similarly separated from these foods for extended periods.

Medical Science believes that Scurvy results from lack of Vitamin C, but I have gone on record to disagree. I say that that scurvy is caused by dehydration and a diet of dead and animal-based foods causing over-acidification of the blood and tissues leading to cellular breakdown into bacteria, yeast, and mold and the destruction of microvilli in the small intestine much like a rotting banana or piece of fruit getting mushy with dark spots.

The Dutch writer, Johann Bachstrom, in 1734, gave the firm opinion that 'scurvy is solely owing to a total abstinence from fresh vegetable food, and greens which is alone the primary cause of the disease.'

While the earliest documented case of scurvy was described by Hippocrates around the year 400 BC, the first attempt to give scientific basis for the cause of this disease was by a ship's surgeon in the British Royal Navy, James Lind. Again, it was well known that Scurvy was common among those with little access to fresh fruit and vegetables such as remote and isolated sailors and soldiers.

While at sea in May 1747, Lind provided some crew members with two oranges and one lemon per day, in addition to normal rations, while others continued on cider, vinegar, sulfuric acid or seawater, along with their normal rations. In the history of science this is considered to be the first occurrence of a controlled experiment comparing results on two populations of a factor applied to one group only with all other factors the same.

Lind published his work in 1753 in his Treatise on Scurvy which conclusively showed that citrus fruits prevented the disease. NOTE: These were whole natural and unprocessed fruits and lemons that are alkalizing and mineral rich as are limes which we will come to in a minute.

It wasn't the vitamin C but rather the alkalinity, minerals, and combination of natural electrons which were operating. Citrus fruits were one of the first sources of vitamin C available to ship's surgeons. Lind's work was slow to be noticed, partly because he gave conflicting evidence within the book, and partly because the British admiralty saw care for the well-being of crews as a sign of weakness.

Further, fresh fruit was very expensive to keep on board, whereas boiling it down to juice allowed easy storage yet destroyed the vitamins and the electrons (especially if boiled in copper kettles). Ship captains assumed wrongly that Lind's suggestions didn't work because those juices failed to cure scurvy while not realizing that they were cooked and processed down and not in their natural energetic electron rich form!

The source of sickness and disease is the build up of acidity and blockages, starting in the small intestine, which is kind of lack clogging the drain to the point of overflow (cold, flu, etc).

Vitamin C produces positive results because it breaks down undigested matter (like chicken and pork) in the digestive tract which improves digestion and promotes elimination.

Human beings are poisoning themselves with Vitamin C by taking it in excess for everything.
It is totally unnecessary.

Again, it is like taking an excess of enzymes (acids) and tenderizing onesself. In my many years of viewing people's blood and understanding their nutritional histories, I have never recommended that a person needs to take Vitamin C.

The only time I would recommend it is for supporting the bowel in severe congestive situations. If you are using Liquid Vitamin C, you are ingesting plenty and in a form that your body can use without harm. Plus, you get everything you need in terms of vitamin C by eating the pH Miracle diet of mostly vegetables, fats and low sugar fruits wherein Vitamin C naturally occurs.

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